Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Value of Water - June 19, 2015

In all the reports I've read and opinions I've shared there is one thing that is eminent and undeniable. Something that even to the most radically self-interested human on the planet cannot dispute. Water is a priceless commodity, period. Society simply cannot function without water, whether you are an environmentalist interested in the preservation of vital habitat, an industrialist producing goods, a farmer producing food, utility producing energy, or a consumer simply surviving in a complex society.

Sadly, water is also an exploited and wasted resource. In many regions water is an increasingly rare and valuable commodity. Unfortunately, in the developing world, entire villages have disappeared as a result of water mismanagement. The Aral Sea, located along the Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan border was at one time the fourth largest lake in the world. As you can see from the photograph, it hardly qualifies as a lake anymore because it has dried up due to misuse of water for economic purposes (cotton farming primarily). In the US, the west is in a midst of a crippling drought caused in part, by unsustainable agricultural practices and increasing population.

I do not mean to "pick on" agribusiness because it is certainly clear that waste occurs in every aspect of society. My point to this particular rant is the we ALL must start focusing our efforts on reducing ALL waste in our lives. Our children's future can no longer afford to live in a society based on single use or throw away goods and the false perception of infinite resources. Those disposable bags/boxes/razors/paper towels... all represent water and energy used in their manufacture or production. Those food scraps we all throw out represent water as well, not to mention carbon. Our future is going to depend on the management and balance of our food, energy, and water resources. We cannot continue to waste them or sacrifice one for the other.

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