Anybody who knows me knows
that I am a liberal. I say this without shame or embarrassment. I was among the
many who called for the Confederate Flag (actually the flag of the Army of
Northern Virginia) to be removed from the State House in South Carolina. I was
also living in Alabama in the late 80s and supported the call to remove the
Confederate Flag (actually the C.S.A. Naval Battle Flag) from that state house.
These flags are historic, and to many they do represent
Southern Pride and State’s Rights, among other things. But to a large share of
Americans, they represent slavery, racism, treason, and hate. Do not blame
liberals for that, as it wasn’t long after the Civil War ended that hate groups
including the KKK adopted the flag for its own hateful purposes. It has also
been adopted by Neo-Nazi groups in Germany because flying the Swastika in
Germany is illegal.
In a recent discussion, a good friend
relayed a mutual friend’s belief that this is a non-issue (tempest in a
teapot). White Americans (such as all the participants in this particular
discussion), and indeed most Americans of non-African heritage, cannot fully
appreciate the loathing many African Americans feel when they go to THEIR State
Capital and see a symbol used by racist groups flying on the dome. I imagine it
would be similar to seeing a flag from ISIS or Nazi Germany to me. So these
flags should be removed from all State Houses and other government buildings.
This does not eliminate racism in America. But it is a good first step.
Most liberals are content
with removing the flag from government buildings. So any further repercussions
or restrictions on displaying or selling this flag are not our fault. If a
business chooses not to sell these flags, than that is their decision, which I
assume is done for business reasons. Don’t blame the liberals. Walmart is among
the many establishments that will no longer sell this flag. The Walton family
is hardly considered a bastion of the new American liberalism. If these
businesses were “forced” or pressured by their customers to stop selling these
flags, well, that my friends is called free enterprise. The business chose to
honor their customers’ wishes
However, I do oppose laws
that restrict the private sale and/or display of the Confederate Flags
(whichever ones are used). The State of Ohio recently passed a law that forbids
the sale of Confederate flags at the State Fair. That, in my humble, non-legal
opinion, flies in the face of the first amendment. According to the First
Amendment, we all have a right to express ourselves in non-threatening ways. If
a displaced Southerner living in Ohio wishes to display the “Stars and Bars,” I
believe he has the Constitutional right to do so.
-- Just another useless
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