MSN's Fun facts about the class of 2016
Although this is a pretty good list for faculty members, it is a list worth considering for all of us “adults” when it comes to dealing with the “younger generations.” One friend of mine, who is a professor at Ohio State, had a rather rude awakening one day during class. He began to discuss the development process for camera film during class. When he noticed the blank stares, he realized his faux pas. When he asked the class, they admitted to not knowing what he was talking about when he referred to camera “film.”
Although these differences are clear to most elementary and high school teachers, the rest of us should find this list helpful. Especially if we find ourselves dealing with recent high school graduates, whether in academia, or when we are hiring a new employee.
In addition to the MSN list, here are some other fun facts about our most recent high school graduates:
- Though born during the Clinton administration, they have no direct memory of his Presidency.
- Within their memory, there has ALWAYS been a war against terrorism, as the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon occurred when they were 3.
- The last time a man walked on the moon was 26 years before the class of 2016 was born.
- The Vietnam Was is as remote from them as World War I and II are from us!
- Many have never seen an 8-track tape, vinyl record, cassette tape, Beta Max, or VHS tape.
- Many of them have never used a telephone with a cord.
- Many of them have never used an analog clock or watch.
- Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon are as historical to them as Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman are to us.
Congratulations to the Class of 2016!
Food for thought.